Minecraft Worldedit Guide Wiki

For a more up to date guide, check out the official WorldEdit documentation.


History Control

Types Parameters Description
//undo [#s of step] [Player name] Undo the number of Worldedit commands used from self or other player. This restores the past stage.
//redo [#s of step] [Player name] Redo the number of //undo used from self or other player.
/clearhistory Clear all available //redo(s) and //undo(s).

Region Selection

Types Parameters Description

A default wand that is used to select an imaginary region. It can be optimized with the command "//sel <style>" for further selection styles. The item minecraft:wooden_axe is currently set as default.

//wand Summons the selection wand to your hand.
/toggleeditwand Either disable or enable the Worldedit functionality of the Worldedit wand (The Minecraft Wooden Axe is set as the default wand).
//sel [-d]
<convex> no
Change the current selection style to a specific one. //sel cuboid is set as default.
//desel Deselect the current region selection.
//pos1 Select the player's bottom half as position 1.
//pos2 Select the player's bottom half as the position 2.
//hpos1 Select the block you are looking at as position 1.
//hpos2 Select the block you are looking at as position 2.
//chunk Select the 16 x 16 x 256 block-area-wide chunk as a region selection.
//expand <amount>
Expand or grow the region selection based on the player's facing or map direction. It can also be expanded to the opposite side with <reverse-amount> at the same time.
//contract <amount>
Contract or withdraw the region selection based on the player's facing or map direction. It can also be contracted from the opposite side with <reverse-amount> at the same time.
//outset [-hv] <amount> Expand the region selection based on the amount to all side: Up, Down, North, South, East, West.
//inset [-hv] <amount> Contract the region selection based on the amount from all sides: Up, Down, North, South, East, West.
//count [-d] <block> Count the number of blocks based on which type.
//distr [-cd] Count the percent (%) of each block type presented in the region.

Clipboards and Schematics

Types Parameters Description
//copy [-e]
Copy the selected region blocks to an imaginary clipboard. It also stores the player's position where it is copied.
//cut [-e]
Clear the region blocks and put it in an imaginary clipboard. It also stores the player's position where it is cut.
//paste [-a]
Pastes the region from clipboard based from the player's position where it is cut or copied last time.

[-a] pastes the selection without air blocks.
[-o] pastes the selection at origin.

//rotate [x-axis]
Rotate the imaginary clipboard based on player's position when it is cut or copied last time.
//flip [direction] Flip the clipboard like a mirror based on where the player is facing and positioning.
//schematic (//schem) [save]
Save a schematic to file.
Remove a schematic from the list.
Load a schematic from the list to the clipboard.
[-p <page#>]
List available schematics from the list's page number.
formats Display all available schematic formats.
/clearclipboard Clear the current clipboard

Region Operation

Types Parameters Description
//set <pattern> Sets all the blocks in the region to any valid block.
//replace (<from-block-ID(s)>)
//overlay <pattern> ad
//walls <pattern> d
//outline <pattern> ad
//center <pattern> d
//smooth <amount of repetition> ad
//deform <expression> Change the blocks' position from the region to a specific set point.
//regen ad
//hollow [thickness]<br\/><block-ID(s)> d
//move [distance amount]<br\/>([direction]) a
//stack [repetition amount]<br\/>([direction]) a
//naturalize adad
//line ([-h])<br\/><pattern><br\/><size> Draw a line between pos1 and pos2 based on pattern and size.
//curve ([-h])<br\/><pattern><br\/><size> a
//forest [forest-type]<br\/>[density] adad
//flora [density] Overlay the grass blocks with flowers and grasses. Density is how much they clump in one spot.


Types Parameters Description
//generate [-hroc]
Generate a regional shape of blocks based on given expression like geometrical values or mathematical equations.
//generatebiome [-hroc]
Generate the biome's surface-shape based on the expression.
//hcyl <pattern>
(,<radius> [height])
Create a hollow vertical cylinder around player's feet based on radius and height.
//cyl <pattern>
(,<y radius> [height])
Create a vertical cylinder around player's feet based on radius and height.
//sphere <pattern>
(,<radius>,<radius>) [raised? true/false]
Create a sphere based on x,y,z, radius set around player's feet.
//hsphere <pattern>
(,<radius>,<radius>) [raised? true/false]
Create a hollow sphere based on x,y,z, radius set around player's feet.
//pyramid <pattern>
Create a pyramid based on height and size.
//hpyramid <pattern>
Create a hollow pyramid based on height and size.
/forestgen [size]
Generate a forest type based on size and density.
/pumpkins [size] Generates a pumpkin patch based on the size.


Types Parameters Description
/toggleplace Toggle whether utility actions will affect surrounding the player or the regional selection.
//fill <pattern>
Fill particular blocks around the player's feet with the cylinder's radius and bottom sphere's depth.
//fillr <pattern>
Fill particular blocks around the player's feet with cylinder's radius and bottom sphere's depth recursively.
//drain <radius> Drain lava and water bodies that touches the player's feet based on radius.
//fixwater <radius> Extend and level nearby water and change flowing water to block state of water.
//fixlava <radius> Extend and level nearby lava and change flowing lava to block state of lava.
/removeabove [size]
Remove blocks above your head or the regional selection with upper air cone style.
/removebelow [size]
Remove blocks below your feet or the regional selection with down-side air cone style.
/replacenear [-f]
Replace all block(s) nearby to pattern.
/removenear <block>
Remove particular block(s) nearby with air sphere style.
/snow [radius] Cover blocks nearby with snow layers and change water to ice.
/thaw [radius] Remove nearby snow layers and change nearby ice to water.
/ex [radius] Remove fire nearby.
/butcher [-plangbtfr]
Terminate nearby mobs.
/remove <type>
Remove nearby particular entities: Dropped items, arrows, boats, minecarts, activating TNT, and XP particles.
/green [-f]
'Green' nearby dirt blocks.
//calc <expression> Calculate a mathematical expression

Chunk Tools

Types Parameters Description
/listchunks See the loaded chunks.
/delchunks Delete chunk the player is in.

Superpickaxe Tools

Types Parameters Description
// Toggle superpickaxe mode.
/sp single Change to superpickaxe mode that affects single blocks.
/sp area <range> Change to superpickaxe mode that affects area of blocks.
/sp recur <range> Change to superpickaxe mode that affects area of blocks recursively.

General Tools

Types Parameters Description
/tool <repl>
Choose a particular tool type to bind to item on hand.
/none Remove the command that is binded to the holding tool.
/farwand Enable wand to select point from faraway.
/lrbuild <leftclick block>
<rightclick block>
Long range building too.
/tree <tree type> Tree tool that is used on grass blocks to sprout trees.
/deltree Tool to remove floating tree.
/repl <pattern> Block replacing tool, change that block type on use.
/cycler Block data cycler tool
/flood <pattern>
Flood fill tool


Types Parameters Description
/brush sphere [-h]
Bind sphere brush to holding item that creates sphere when right-clicked on blocks from afar.
/brush cylinder [-h]
Bind cylinder brush to holding item that creates cylinder when right-clicked on blocks from afar.
/brush clipboard [-ap] Bind sphere brush to holding item that pastes clipboard when right-clicked on blocks from afar.
/brush gravity [-h]
Bind gravity brush to holding item that pushes the floating blocks down if there is hollow underneath when right-clicked.
/brush butcher [-plangbtfr]
Bind butcher brush to holding item that terminates entities and mobs when right-clicked on them.
/size [radius] Change the brush size of current holding brush item.
/mat <to-pattern> Replace the current pattern being used by current brush to a new pattern set.
/range <range> Set the current brush range.
/mask Clear the current mask set.
/mask <mask> Set mask rule to the current holding brush item so it can only affect a particular block type(s) or expression.
//gmask <mask> Set mask rule for every brush.


Types Parameters Description
/unstuck Eject the player out to the free spot if the player is suffocated in blocks.
/ascend [levels] Teleport to the upper floor platform.
/descend [levels] Teleport below the floor platform.
/thru Teleport through blocking obstacles.
/jumpto Teleport to the targeted block that the player is looking at.
/up [-fg] [distance] Teleport to upper distance based on distance amount.


Types Parameters Description
//restore [snapshot] Restore a particular snapshot if it is already backup-ed.
/snapshot use <snapshot> Use a particular snapshot.
/snapshot sel <index> Choose a snapshot from the //snapshot list.
/snapshot list [#] List 5 latest recent snapshot.
/snapshot before <date> Find the first snapshot before that date.
/snapshot after <<date> Find the first snapshot after that date.


Types Parameters Description
//cs <script>
Executes a script.
/.s [args...] Re-executes last script with new arguments
/<script>.js [args...] Executes a JS script.


Types Parameters Description
/biomelist [page #] Bring a list of available biome types.
/biomeinfo [-pt] Get the biome of the targeted block.
//setbiome [-p]
Set the biome type from the selected region.

[-p] to change the block column the player is standing in.
